Where It All Began.

We are the Forbes family. After dating since age 19 and marriage 6 yrs later, our family finally got some new additions! Over the years, we’ve been blessed with 3 beautiful daughters: Alesia, Adriana and Siena.
In 2014, I was pregnant with Adriana while teaching Kindergarten. We were overjoyed that Alesia would soon be a big sister and that we’d have all of summer break with our girls!
God had other plans for us. After a sickness I thought to be the flu, but left doctor’s stumped, I wasn’t doing well. Adriana was much worse. The doctors made a life saving decision to take her at only 27 weeks, before losing all blood flow into her body. She was delivered by emergency c-section on December 23rd, weighing 1 lb 15 oz.
After 2 weeks of tests, and daily blood transfusions for Adriana, we received a diagnosis that would change us forever. I had contracted Cytomegalovirus while teaching, and given the virus to her. This virus was the worst diagnosis we could’ve received. Not because it causes deafness, blindness, brain damage, mental retardation, and possibly leave my daughter wheelchair bound. The worst part was that if she could defy death, it would be nothing short of a miracle.
We were ready to deal with those handicaps at any cost. I could quit the career I loved to take care of her. We could learn sign language. She could wear glasses and hearing aids. We would buy a minivan for a wheelchair. But how could we function if we lost her?
Adriana had already endured surgery, 16 different IV medications, a respirator, an oscillator, and 1-2 blood transfusions per day. She had great weeks and terrible weeks. We prayed non stop asking God to save her life. We were trying everything modern medicine permitted. We wouldn’t give up. But we knew that when it was her time, there was nothing we or the doctors could do to save her.
On January 27th, 2015, our nightmares became a reality. A piece of my heart was lost forever that afternoon. Adriana died in her daddy’s arms while I held her little hand. She was still on oxygen, as our final grasps at saving her life were failing.
Our world had collapsed, but we had to stay strong for Alesia. She constantly asked about her little sister and mourned the loss of her as we had. She begged us to give her a sister again one day. Our rainbow baby, Siena, was sent to us 18 months after Adriana’s death. She was a true piece to our puzzle we didn’t know we were missing. Our girls are our greatest achievement, all of our unconditional love, and our treasure.
Adriana Estates is named in the memory of their sister, our middle little girl. We hope that her legacy will bring years of joyous memories to families who visit our estate. We plan to also host non-profit events in the future for families with children with special needs and terminal illnesses to make new priceless memories with us! God had a plan for us. We lost Adriana too soon, but just maybe this is what he had in mind for our future.
We hope that you will support us through this new chapter in our lives. We can’t wait to meet you!
The Forbes Family

“Our purpose is hospitality, and it is our joy to meet and exceed the needs of each client in creative and exceptional ways.”